ebay Angebots-Optimierung

Ebay optimization​​

Maximize sales through better Ebay offers

If you want to optimize your eBay listing and increase your sales, our eBay agency can help you. Our experienced team specializes in Ebay ranking, design and web development. which will help you get the most out of your offer. As we work together, we'll also give you tips and advice on how to generally improve your listings to maximize sales.
Simply order the optimization in the price list below or contact us via the inquiry form.
Our package at a glance

1. Keyword analysis for optimal titles

The analysis of 1 million Ebay titles showed which properties improve sales the most:

  1. topic relevance & search volume the keywords.
  2. The title length
  3. The number of keywords in the title
  4. Popular and searched keywords in your article title
  5. Titles with item specifics as keywords
  6. Also subtitle help sell more on eBay.

Most eBay sellers can significantly improve their eBay item titles with keyword analysis,

because many people pay very little attention to it. In addition, many people are wondering how to find the best keywords or, for example, how to create optimal titles for variation offers.

Our team will be happy to help you find the best keywords for successful titles and texts.

The analysis primarily takes into account topic relevance, search volume and competition for keywords.

→ What you get:

After our work you will receive one Report of the top keywords with search volume metrics, etc. included.

For this you will receive Suggestions for promising titles.

A notice:    Often the result of keyword analysis & title suggestions can be applied to a number of similar offers.


2. Title, characteristics, texts

Based on the keyword analysis from step 1, the texts and article features (attributes) of your offer can now be optimized.

In addition to the title of the offer, the article features are also of essential importance, as these are used directly to display the search results from Ebay.

What you get:

In the "Basic" package Our team gives tips on where your offer needs to be improved and why.

From the package "Premium Optimization" we also make textual and structural suggestions for your texts, so that you save the time and effort of revising them yourself.

3. Product Images

More sales and higher turnover through better pictures

From the examples below, it's easy to see that some sellers could easily multiply sales for individual products by improving their product images.

What you get:

In the basic package there are individual suggestions and tips for improvement.

Optimized by our designers

From the package "Premium Optimization" our designers will work for you and improve the main image of your offer to promote sales.

Which product image would you rather click on?​

4. Layout of the item description

A professional appearance significantly improves your sales opportunities and brings higher sales. With auction templates (templates) you appear professional and trustworthy.

"Premium Templates" for a professional presence

If you don't have a template yet or are thinking of improving, go for it "Premium with Template" package. In addition to an excellent Ebay template, you will also receive an adaptation to your company design and a prepared template example for one of your products.

What you get:

You will receive optimization suggestions for your product description. Some descriptions are overloaded or too short, could better indicate suitable cross-selling products or bundles, are not mobile-friendly or risk a warning, etc.

Our team will help you get the best out of it.

5. Other ranking factors

The eBay search engine works according to that Best match principle. This means that the buyer sees the search results that best match the terms they have entered.

The ebay search engine takes the following factors into account in particular:

  1. How closely does the offer match the buyer's search terms
  2. How popular is the item
  3. The price of the item
  4. The quality of the offer (description, photos, etc.)
  5. How complete is the offer
  6. The terms of use such as return policy, processing time
  7. The seller's track record

What you get:

Our team will track down the gaps in your listings (if there are any 🙂) and make suggestions for optimization.


Prices "Optimization"

Einmaliger Preis
  • We find the gaps in your offer and tell you how you can optimize them yourself.
  • keyword analysis
    & title suggestions
    for 1 offer
  • Image optimization tips
  • Optimization tips Your attributes & other texts
  • Layout tips your ebay description
  • More ranking tips
Einmaliger Preis
  • Wir senden Ihnen konkrete Änderungen (Texte, Bilder) zu einem Ihrer Ebayangebote
  • keyword analysis
    & title suggestions
    for 1 offer
  • image optimization of the main image
    by our designers
  • Textual suggestions for attributes & other texts
  • Tips & visual layout suggestions the eBay description
  • More ranking tips
Optimization + Premium template
Einmaliger Preis
  • You save 5%
  • Everything as in the premium offer
  • You will also receive one of our premium Ebay templates.
  • Our team fits this to the corporate design of your company (colors, logo, etc.).
  • In addition, a template layout created for one of your top offers (with texts, images, etc.).
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